My RememBird

How to...

We've picked out the features people ask about most. All these and more are described in detail in the manual. The instructions refer to the letters on the diagram at the right.

Record Notes

Press and hold button C to record notes. If you are looking through your binoculars, the notes microphone (K) will be just above your mouth and sheltered from the wind by your hands. If not using your binoculars, hold them so the RememBird is about six inches from your mouth. The default setting for notes recording is with automatic gain control - so you can whisper or talk into it. Whispering actually works best - and is more considerate to other birders and the bird.

Record Birdsong

Press and hold button B to record birdsong. The microphone (F) will be facing the bird if you are looking through your binoculars. The default setting is for quite a high gain on this microphone so if you talk into it this will probably be distorted as it it too loud. The normal setting is for the RememBird to be "always listening" so when you press the button, it immediately saves the previous eight seconds and then continues to record for as long as you hold the button down.

RememBird reference diagram

Use the Audio field-guide

Press the play button (G) straight in and hold it for two to three seconds. You will hear each audio field-guide's name then "First recording, Last Recording". Click the button when you hear the title of the audio field-guide you want to use. You will then hear the top level choices in the index: "A to E", "F to K" etc. Click each time you hear the announcement mention the letter or range of birdnames you want. Further details and an example are shown here

Use External Speakers

Plug your speakers into the adapter lead and plug the adapter lead into socket (E). The default setting is for all playback to be done through the external speakers when they are plugged in. You can use the RememBird Preferences on the computer program to change this so the RememBird automatically switches between its internal speaker for recorded nots and index announcements while using the more powerful external speakers for birdsong recordings only.

Use an External Microphone

Plug your microphone into the socket in the adapter lead that does not have a headphones icon next to it. Plug the adapter lead into socket (E). You must use the RememBird Preferences tool on the computer program to enable external microphone mode and to specify that the song record button (B) should control the external microphone when it is plugged in. Once you have done this, simply press and hold button (B) to record through your microphone any time it is plugged in.

Upload my Recordings

Connect RememBird to your computer. Start the Song and Notes Organiser application. Click the button at the left-hand end of the toolbar to start uploading. For each day on which recordings are found, you will be asked where the recordings were made. Choose an existing location or enter a new one and the recordings from that date will be uploaded. It works backwards (uploading the most recent recordings first).

Download an Audio Field-guide

If you have ordered an audio field-guide from the online store you will receive an email confirming your order. The email will include a donwload code specific to your order. Make sure you are connected to the internet. Connect RememBird to your computer and start the Song and Notes Organiser. Click File and then Download Audio Field-guide. Enter the code from your email and wait for the guide to download.

Make my own Audio field-guide

First, collect the recordings that you want to include in a directory on your computer in "mp3" or "wav" format. Then click the second button from the left on the toolbar of the Song and Notes Organiser. The wizard will guide you through the steps of labelling the recordings with the family, species and track names then help you to record your own announcements for the guide. You can then build and download the guide to your RememBird.

Got a Mark II yet?

If you bought your RememBird before 2010, it is a Mark I. You can upgrade for less than half the price of a new Mark II. Click here to learn more.

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